Monday, April 14, 2008

IPL giving Shah Rukh sleepless nights

What SRK is saying
The first day, when I heard this, I was really surprised that only 237 tickets had been sold at the counter," Khan told the Kolkata paper. "I am truly finding it difficult to accept this. I have never, till date, requested my fans to go and see my films. Never ever done it. I am a bit surprised as to why, despite keeping the ticket prices low, people are not showing any interest."
Khan said he is "very tired" by the IPL experience. "I never thought so many problems would crop up when I bought the Knight Riders. I was not prepared for these circumstances. A rosy picture, removed from reality, was painted to me," he said.
One element in that rosy picture was that the franchise owners would be allowed to stage various forms of entertainment at the venues, in order to woo the fans. Apparently even that has run into trouble -- apparently the Kolkata government, unlike governments of states hosting other franchises -- has refused to provide tax exemption.


Jrod said...

I could be wrong, but i heard the tickets really weren't that cheap either.

Anonymous said...

SRK spends lot of money on IPL. In the movies he will earn earlier wheather movie is hit or not. But in IPL he has to spend earlier and he has to wait for the hit

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